Saturday, September 6, 2008

The End of Day one

About to turn in for the evening. It’s about 11pm here and I did well to stay up so that I can try to get acclimated to the new time zone. The day went well. As you can see, Munich (Muchen) is a beautiful city.

Munchen - Day 1

Munchen - Day 1

Munchen - Day 1

Munchen - Day 1

Munchen - Day 1

It’s not quite as “old” as I expected it to be for a European city, but I guess that because it was destroyed and has been since rebuilt. We are taking a guided tour of the city tomorrow so I expect to learn more then.

Here’s a look at the Hotel Regent:

Munchen - Day 1 - Lobby (Hotel Regent)

Munchen - Day 1

Found an internet café that allows for inexpensive internet and phone conversation. I may be using that instead of the internet in the hotel since its far better priced. We’ll see.

Had dinner at a beer garden called Restaurant Augustinerkeller.

Munchen Day 1

The house beer here is apparently the best in the city and the oldest. According to the folks there, the recipe hasn’t been changed since 1328.

Munchen Day 1

Since it was a dinner planned specifically for the trip, there were arrangements made for me to have vegetarian food so that was nice. I was actually able to eat a meal. I was expecting fries and salad for much of the trip!  my meal consisted of Vegetable bouillon with pancake strips (a soup) and Potato-broccoli gratin with tomato sauce. Desert was a home made apple strudel with whipped cream.

Time to sleep.

p.s. Aunt Alicia, I got your post card today. I’ll mail it on Monday. It costs one Euro to mail a post card to the states in case anyone was wondering. Night Everyone!


SBG: that Skinny Brown Girl said...
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Mommy said...

Hi Gerrae It's Mommy and Renee!!!!!!! This is cool I am really blogging. Ok we just read all your posts. Wow such pretty pictures. We are going to church now. Then to Mellow. Will talk later today. Mani and the big Guy are doing fine. Renee said they both missed the cut last night. haaaa :) I will blogg later

P.s. daddy just said hi.

GL said...

ha ha... do you know what missed the cut means?? I miss you guys!! Will call soon.