Friday, September 12, 2008

Prague is... Interesting

We’ve been spending most of our time in lectures for the past two days. We did an evening tour of the city last night and a tour of the Prague Castle today so I do have some pictures.

The lectures have proven to be interesting. Some random facts learned include the fact that the Czech Republic has the highest about of Beer Consumption per capita of any country in the world (including Ireland.) The country also has the lowest level of poverty of any country. This statistic doesn’t mean that the country is rich however. Its just means that basic needs (healthcare, University, etc.) are subsidized or completely paid for by the government. School is comletely paid for and Insurance is paid for if need be. Children have free insurance as do all students up to the age of 26.

My favorite was a presentation by a Johnson and Johnson representative from the Czech Republic branch. He spoke a lot about health care in the Czech Republic which I know is of interest to you, mom. So I took some notes. So the current look of the healthcare system is quite different from the one proposed by folks looking toward healthcare reform within the country. Currently, people don’t pay for health insurance, however ALL people are required to have it and if they cant afford it then the government provides it for them. There are only 10 “sickness funds” or insurance companies in the country. Some are privately owned and some are state owned but there is virtually no difference in the health care provided by either. There are also privately and publicly owned hospitals of which there is also no difference between the two. Hospitals see virtually no one-day or same-day surgery patients. Most people feel that in-house patient care is extended far to long in most cases. 50% of insurance funds go toward inpatient care. Women who have babies stay in the hospital for at least a week. Reform suggestions would increase out of pocket payments, decrease emergency room visits, and increase same-day surgeries and patient’s requirement to pay for some prescriptions. Currently only Generic drugs exist and there are no drug manufacturers in Prague. If you go to a drug store, EVERYTHING is behind counters and it is expected that you ask the pharmacist questions before choosing your medicine. (even “over-the-counter” type meds). Pricing of medication is done in clusters so there is no competition between pharmacies. Reform would also bring a decrease in reimbursement for drugs, standardization of healthcare practices (currently there are none) and out of pocket payments for any portion of drug prices about cluster determined rates. Oh last thing about healthcare… Nurses and Doctors make very little money. To put it into perspective, Bankers make 3 times as much as Doctors in the Czech Republic.

Here are a few pictures from today’s trip to the castle.

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

Prague - Day 3

I also checked out another vegetarian restaurant (Radost). It was definitely very different from the restaurants in Munich. This one was a bar/club/vegetarian restaurant. It was a very strange mix that seemed to work well for the people there though I don’t know if outsiders would really dig it. The crowed was kinda punkish and bohemian (weird I’m actually in Bohemia right now…) but they were happy among themselves. I enjoyed the experience and the food was excellent. The part of town was a bit grimy though. I think it was because it was nighttime, but Prague certainly doesn’t have the same feel of comfort in the evenings that Munich has. I took the train to the restaurant (it was only one stop away) but the experience didn’t flow as nicely. I found myself clutching my bad tighter than in Munich and watching my back the entire time. (Rhodney’s voice was in my head… “you gotta pay attention to EVERYTHING so you don’t get disoriented and lost!”)Nevertheless, no problems at all.

...but I probably wouldn’t venture out there alone in the evening again. This city isn’t an “alone in the evening” type of city… despite what the locals tell you. Its more real and raw… more like back home actually…

Good night all.

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