Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Prague here we come!

Leaving Munich for Prague in the morning.
This has been an amazing trip thus far.

I´ll post my recap for Today (Tuesday) as well as my final thoughts for Munich as soon as I can.

Miss you all!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pics...this is what I've been waiting for. Wish I was there.

I can't believe my psuedo mommy and daddy are blogging now...Whoa.

Sup, Ne.
Shot out to Rhudy.
Miss ya Rae.

-the Melodic One

GL said...

awww yaay! Didnt know if you were checkin in! :) Glad you're reading... I'll post pics of Prague in a few min.

Miss you!!!

SBG: that Skinny Brown Girl said...

Melodic One! You're blogging!...thats a bigger surprise than the psuedo parents....hehehe :)